Hilman & Noi - journey of a lifetime.

We, Hilman Ang and Norleila Yusoff, are from Singapore and came to Vietnam in 1991 to invest and setup a factory in garment manufacturing, garment finishing and Buying office. We lived in Vietnam fulltime and pretty much Vietnam has become our 2nd home. In 1994, our daughter Tiana    Ang came to our life and we raised her in Hanoi and today she has become a beautiful and responsible mature woman.

In 2012, we wind up the factory. Not an easy decision, after spending so much time, efforts and friendships with so many wonderful people in Hanoi. I spoke to my wife, that we should ride to HCMC first to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the countryside, second, to return back to the people of Vietnam what we had achieved and blessed with all these years.

My personal achievements to date 

- age 16 - climb Gunung Ledang 4000 ft

- age 18 - climb Gunung Tahan 7200 ft
- age 25 - marry my school day sweetheart Norleila (Noi) 
- age 31 - Tiana came into our life
- age 46 - quitted smoking. Used to smoke 1 1/2 pack a day
- age 49 - ran my 1st marathon - slow but make it
- age 50 - celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary by performing our Hajj at Mecca
- age 51 - ride motorcycle from Hanoi to HCMC with my friend Shahrir

In 2014, we came out with the idea of raising funds towards a Charity organisation by cycling to HCMC (1700km) while Noi taking the motorbike carrying all the supplies and who knows (hahaha, Vietnam style one leg push at my bike up the hills) I might need help. We were looking for an organisation sometime end of 2014 that need our help. That decision was made during the Singapore social night (organised by the Singapore embassy ) where i met Michael Ong introducing TeaTalk and his work. We were happy to meet up again on the next week and happy to find someone who has such an energy and commitments towards the society.

With these, we hope for your kind supports by way of donation via cash into the cash boxes situation at selected restaurants or by TTR to the bank account. After donation, please drop us an email so that we can provide up to date information as the ride began.

Once again Thank you for all the supports and God bless

Hilman Ang
Norleila Mohd  Yusoff
Tiana Ang
